Quote by James Thurber
My opposition To Interviews lies in the fact that offhand answers

My opposition To Interviews lies in the fact that offhand answers have little value or grace of expression, and that such oral give and take helps to perpetuate the decline of the English language. – James Thurber

Other quotes by James Thurber

Man has gone long enough, or even too long, without being man enough to face the simple truth that the trouble with man is man. – James Thurber

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From one casual of mine he picked this sentence. After dinner, the men moved into the living room. I explained to the professor that this was Rosss way of giving the men time to push back their chairs and stand up. There must, as we know, be a comma after every move, made by men, on this earth. – James Thurber

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Humor is a serious thing. I like to think of it as one of our greatest earliest natural resources, which must be preserved at all cost. – James Thurber

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It rots a writers brain, it cretinises you. You say the same thing again and again, and when you do that happily youre well on the way to being a cretin. Or a politician. – John Updike


The best interviews — like the best biographies — should sing the strangeness and variety of the human race. – Lynn Barber


If, Sir, I possessed the power of conveying unlimited sexual attraction through the potency of my voice, I would not be reduced to accepting a miserable pittance from the BBC for interviewing a faded female in a damp basement. – Gilbert Harding


It is not every question that deserves an answer. – Publilius Syrus


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