Money is like hormones. Its just how you feel on any given day. – Janice Dickinson
Beauty opened all the doors it got me things I didnt even know I wanted, and things I certainly didnt deserve. – Janice Dickinson
Money is like hormones. Its just how you feel on any given day. – Janice Dickinson
Beauty opened all the doors it got me things I didnt even know I wanted, and things I certainly didnt deserve. – Janice Dickinson
Mothers dont let your daughters grow up to be models unless youre present. – Janice Dickinson
We live in an ocean of air like fish in a body of water. By our breathing we are attuned to our atmosphere. If we inhibit our breathing we isolate ourselves from the medium in which we exist. In all Oriental and mystic philosophies, the breath holds the secret to the highest bliss. – Alexander Lowen