Love, the quest marriage, the conquest divorce, the inquest. – Helen Rowland
Somehow a bachelor never quite gets over the idea that he is a thing of beauty and a boy forever. – Helen Rowland
Love, the quest marriage, the conquest divorce, the inquest. – Helen Rowland
Somehow a bachelor never quite gets over the idea that he is a thing of beauty and a boy forever. – Helen Rowland
It isnt tying himself to one woman that a man dreads when he thinks of marrying its separating himself from all the others. – Helen Rowland
A man never knows how to say goodbye; a woman never knows when to say it. – Helen Rowland
In marriage there are no manners to keep up, and beneath the wildest accusations no real criticism. Each is familiar with that ancient child in the other who may erupt again…. We are not ridiculous to ourselves. We are ageless. That is the luxury of the wedding ring. – Enid Bagnold, Autobiography, 1969