Quote by Jackson Browne
Now, guitar was pretty cool. Everybody knew something on the guita

Now, guitar was pretty cool. Everybody knew something on the guitar. So I wanted to play guitar, but I told my dad if he wanted me to keep studying something, Id like to study piano. – Jackson Browne

Other quotes by Jackson Browne

I wrote the song For A Dancer for a friend of mine who died in a fire. He was in the sauna in a house that burned down, so he had no idea anything was going on. It was very sad. – Jackson Browne

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Ive also gotten to play in front of a million people in Central Park when there was a grass roots movement calling for nuclear disarmament – it was about 1982 – they called it Peace Sunday. – Jackson Browne

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I love to read. I love to stretch. In the morning, I get up, and if Im not in a hurry, I will lie on the floor on a rug, look through some books and magazines, and maybe listen to music and try to do stretching exercises to tune up. – Jackson Browne

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Ive worn my share of leopard pink boots to premieres or belts the size of cars. I thought my pink leopard boots were so cool. – Brittany Snow


My style icons would be people like Brigitte Bardot and old Hollywood actresses who always look so stunning, cool and chic. I like classic and timeless looks. – Jessica Brown Findlay


Growing up, politics never trickled down to the areas we come from. But people from Obamas camp, and Obama himself, reached out to me and asked for my help on the campaign. Weve sat and had dinner, and weve spoken on the phone. Hes a very sharp guy. Very charming. Very cool. – Jay-Z


In my books the technology that I choose to talk about has to serve the themes. What that means is that I end up having to cut out a lot of cool technology that would be really fun to describe and play with, but which would just confuse everybody. So in Amped, I focus on neural implants. – Daniel H. Wilson


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