Quote by Vivienne Westwood
I dont have space to enter into the examples or the history of thi

I dont have space to enter into the examples or the history of this, so Im left with having to make the bold statement that culture is extinct. – Vivienne Westwood

Other quotes by Vivienne Westwood

We moved into the back, made it into a little 50s sitting room and started to sell the records. We had an immediate success. For one thing, these Teddy Boys were thrilled to buy the records. – Vivienne Westwood

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We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die a sustainable world. It could be great. – Vivienne Westwood

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[T]he historian must serve two masters, the past and the present. – Fritz Stern, The Varieties of History


My generation of bossy, confident, baby-boom women were something brand new in history. Our energy and assertiveness werent created by Betty Friedan, unknown before her 1963 book, or by Gloria Steinem, whose political activism, as even the Lifetime profile admitted, did not begin until 1969. – Camille Paglia


We wonder if we will be the first generation in American history to leave our children with fewer opportunities and a less prosperous nation than the one we inherited. – Paul Ryan


Hollywood has a history of raising expectations beyond Washingtons reach, of appealing to the very American desire to mythologize political leaders, particularly the president. – Ron Fournier


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Fame does lead to money, which I dont have a close relationship with. Im the kind of guy who never sees the money – it all goes somewhere else. I dont understand it, I dont like to deal with it. I have a fear of not having it, because I grew up without it. – David Duchovny


Detainee policy in this war is hard, its complicated, but we must get it right. We would be better off as a nation if we could close Gitmo safely and start a new prison that he could use that the world would see as a better way to doing business. – Lindsey Graham


But one of the hardest things for me to do was to access anger. I could do it on stage. But when I did it on film it was hard for me. That probably has to do with the intimacy of film. And my own personal issues with expressing anger. So I had to learn how to do that. – Ellen Barkin
