Quotes by

Vivienne Westwood

Feminists wish women to seem like men. Theyre not men. – Vivienne Westwood

Ive got a real sense of three-dimensional geometry. I can look at a flat piece of fabric and know that if I put a slit in it and make some fabric travel around a square, then when you lift it up it will drape in a certain way, and I can feel how that will happen. – Vivienne Westwood

I dont follow politics much. – Vivienne Westwood

I dont feel comfortable defending my clothes. But if youve got the money to afford them, then buy something from me. Just dont buy too much. – Vivienne Westwood

I dont have space to enter into the examples or the history of this, so Im left with having to make the bold statement that culture is extinct. – Vivienne Westwood

I dont have faith in young people any more. I dont waste time trying to communicate with them. – Vivienne Westwood

More people should read books. Its the most concentrated experience you can have. – Vivienne Westwood

I always thought we had an environmental problem, but I hadnt realized how urgent it was. James Lovelock writes that by the end of this century there will be one billion people left. – Vivienne Westwood

Our economic system, run for profit and waste and based primarily on the extractive industries, is the cause of climate change. We have wasted the earths treasure and we can no longer exploit it cheaply. – Vivienne Westwood

Its a philosophy of life. A practice. If you do this, something will change, what will change is that you will change, your life will change, and if you can change you, you can perhaps change the world. – Vivienne Westwood

Britishness is just a way of putting things together and a certain dont care attitude about clothes. You dont care, you just do it and it looks great. – Vivienne Westwood

Everybody looks like clones and the only people you notice are my age. I dont notice anybody unless they look great, and every now and again they do, and they are usually 70. – Vivienne Westwood

We moved into the back, made it into a little 50s sitting room and started to sell the records. We had an immediate success. For one thing, these Teddy Boys were thrilled to buy the records. – Vivienne Westwood

In the morning, I practice 15 minutes of yoga. – Vivienne Westwood

But, having a perfume and license, in general, is a financial necessity. A designer must, to reap back the money spent on prototypes and all that sort of thing. – Vivienne Westwood

I think feminists are unaware of the tremendous extent of the role of women in history. – Vivienne Westwood

In history people dressed much better than we do today. – Vivienne Westwood

I always tried to do things by example, even though I was not a very good mother regarding routines and family life. – Vivienne Westwood

Economists treat economics as if it is a pure science divorced from the facts of life. The result of this false accountancy is a willful confusion under cover of which industry wreaks its havoc scot-free and ignores the environmental cost. – Vivienne Westwood

We have got to change our ethics and our financial system and our whole way of understanding the world. It has to be a world in which people live rather than die a sustainable world. It could be great. – Vivienne Westwood