Quote by George Deukmejian
The difference in golf and government is that in golf you cant imp

The difference in golf and government is that in golf you cant improve your lie. – George Deukmejian

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Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government. – James Madison


Im not driven to get back into politics. Its not on my top five things to do before I die, but saying that, I may be in politics in the next year or the next ten years. Ive been on the front line for 12 years, four in state government, eight on the national level. – J. C. Watts


I hope all of you are going to fill out your census form when it comes in the mail next month. If you dont return the form the area you live in might get less government money and you wouldnt want that to happen, would you. – Andy Rooney


Im not really conservative. Im conservative on certain things. I believe in less government. I believe in fiscal responsibility and all those things that maybe Republicans used to believe in but dont any more. – Clint Eastwood


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