Quote by Pablo Picasso
Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really

Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? No. – Pablo Picasso

Other quotes by Pablo Picasso

When you start with a portrait and search for a pure form, a clear volume, through successive eliminations, you arrive inevitably at the egg. Likewise, starting with the egg and following the same process in reverse, one finishes with the portrait. – Pablo Picasso

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Crayons & Colors

Color affects us. Everyone should have a paintbox and a large box of crayons. – Dr.SunWolf, 2015 tweet, professorsunwolf.com

I cannot pretend to feel impartial about colors. I rejoice with the brilliant ones and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns. – Winston Churchill

Wherever men are noble, they love bright colour; and wherever they can live healthily, bright colour is given them—in sky, sea, flowers, and living creatures. – John Ruskin (1819–1900), Proserpina: Studies of Wayside Flowers, While the

Actually, all education is self-education. A teacher is only a guide, to point out the way, and no school, no matter how excellent, can give you education. What you receive is like the outlines in a child’s coloring book. You must fill in the colors yourself. – Louis L’Amour

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