

As a teenager I was so insecure. I was the type of guy that never fitted in because he never dared to choose. I was convinced I had absolutely no talent at all. For nothing. And that thought took away all my ambition too. – Johnny Depp

Youth is the trustee of prosperity. – Benjamin Disraeli

To an adolescent, there is nothing in the world more embarrassing than a parent. – Dave Barry

Your modern teenager is not about to listen to advice from an old person, defined as a person who remembers when there was no Velcro. – Dave Barry

A fairly bright boy is far more intelligent and far better company than the average adult. – John B. S. Haldane

My kids idea of a hard life is to live in a house with only one phone. – George Foreman

All teenagers have this desire to somehow run away. – Joan Chen

Adolescence is just one big walking pimple. – Carol Burnett

Trouble is, kids feel they have to shock their elders and each generation grows up into something harder to shock. – Ben Lindsey

Growing up, I wanted desperately to please, to be a good girl. – Claire Danes

Friendships in childhood are usually a matter of chance, whereas in adolescence they are most often a matter of choice. – David Elkind

Everybody is a teenage idol. – Barry Gibb

I was a quiet teenager, introverted, full of angst. – Nigella Lawson

When I was a teenager, I read a lot of Poe. – Dario Argento

Maturity is only a short break in adolescence. – Jules Feiffer

If you just watch a teenager, you see a lot of uncertainty. – Jamie Lee Curtis

I spent the first fourteen years of my life convinced that my looks were hideous. Adolescence is painful for everyone, I know, but mine was plain weird. – Uma Thurman

Time scoots along pretty fast when you grow up. – Alan Ladd

Can you imagine young people nowadays making a study of trigonometry for the fun of it? Well I did. – Clyde Tombaugh

I grew up in a house where nobody had to tell me to go to school every day and do my homework. – Constance Baker Motley