

We need to make sure that theres art in the school. Why? Why should art be in the school? Because if art isnt in a school, then a guy like Steve Jobs doesnt get a chance to really express himself because in order for art to meet technology, you need art. – LL Cool J

I dont hate technology, I dont hate hackers, because thats just what comes with it, without those hackers we wouldnt solve the problems we need to solve, especially security. – Fred Durst

Which European leader today would not relish the wonder-working powers of a Moses? Budget deficit? Unpopular cuts? How about just a little miracle, an overnight increase in gold reserves, a new oil field, or the next world-changing communications technology? Surely thats not too much to ask. – Jonathan Sacks

If Apples a technology company in the music industry, why cant somebody in the music industry make technology? –

You know, I do music. If you look under the hood of the industry Im in, its all based on technology. From radio to phonographs to CDs, its all technology. Microphones, reel-to-reels, cameras, editing, chips, its all technology. –

Disco is the first technology music. And what I mean is that disco music is named after discs, because when technology grew to where they didnt need a band in the clubs, the DJ played it on a disc. –

The great thing that guys like Facebooks Mark Zuckerberg and the Google guys have in common is they treat their technology like its art, and I suppose in the hands of virtuosos like them, it is. – Harvey Weinstein

I dont particularly enjoy watching films in 3D because I think that a well-shot and well-projected film has a very three-dimensional quality to it, so Im somewhat sceptical of the technology. – Christopher Nolan

The further you get into technology, the further you go into gaming. Thats the general rule. – Nick Johnson

Dont let that weapon technology proliferate. Dont let Saddam Hussein get capability for nuclear or chemical weapons, because hes already shown a willingness to use any weapon at his disposal. – John Sununu

When were talking about technology that involves weapons of mass destruction, nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, there has to be an element of preemption. – John Sununu

Id like people to be educated on the voting machines, making sure that our democracy isnt being hijacked by computer technology. Theres no reason there cant be a paper trail on those machines. – Eddie Vedder

Advertisers are not thinking radically enough – they look for technology to lead instead of trying the neuroscience approach and thinking about what parts of the brain havent been activated before. These new experiences bring new capabilities to the brain. – Jaron Lanier

If you really want to improve technology, if you want things to work better and be better, youve got to protect the person who spends a lot of effort, money, and time developing that new technology. – James Dyson

The way the world is going, its technology driven. And it isnt just driven by the old super powers, its driven by the far east and new emerging economies. – James Dyson

Really in technology, its about the people, getting the best people, retaining them, nurturing a creative environment and helping to find a way to innovate. – Marissa Mayer

Im very into science-fantasy, that kind of swordfights and magic and technology thing. – Gary Numan

In some cases, inventions prohibit innovation because were so caught up in playing with the technology, we forget about the fact that it was supposed to be important. – Dean Kamen

For the blue-collar worker, the driving force behind change was factory automation using programmable machine tools. For the office worker, its office automation using computer technology: enterprise-resource-planning systems, groupware, intranets, extranets, expert systems, the Web, and e-commerce. – Tom Peters

But, in each case, as a filmmaker whos been given sizable budgets with which to work, I feel a responsibility to the audience to be shooting with the absolute highest quality technology that I can and make the film in a way that I want. – Christopher Nolan