

So if youre a customer today, the same person who came in to demonstrate the technology for you and helped you architect the solution before you bought it is likely going to be leading the team to help you do the implementation. – Sanjay Kumar

Whats happened with computer technology is perfectly timed for someone with my set of skills. I tell stories with pictures. What I love about CGI is that if I can think it, it can be put on the screen. – Frank Miller

Im a futurist. Technology is our way out of almost every problem we have. Technology can create a new sense of community. – Hal Sparks

Readers probably havent heard much about it yet, but they will. Quantum technology turns ordinary reality upside down. – Michael Crichton

Well, first of all, we now have everybody with the exception of India, Pakistan, and Israel, and I dont think these three countries are going to join by simply providing them an incentive, in terms of technology. – Mohamed ElBaradei

I constantly remind people that crime isnt solved by technology its solved by people. – Patricia Cornwell

Social media is great, I guess, but it feels like technology is the sapper of innocence. – Chris ODowd

There used to be this country called the Soviet Union its not there anymore. Our technology was better than theirs. – Tom Clancy

The human condition today is better than its ever been, and technology is one of the reasons for that. – Tom Clancy

Our industry has invested so much money in technology that perhaps its time to invest in talent, in people. – Christiane Amanpour

Technology is us. There is no separation. Its a pure expression of human creative will. It doesnt exist anywhere else in the universe. Im rather sure of that. – David Cronenberg

I dont know technology and engineering. I dont know accounting. – Bernard Ebbers

Its not that we use technology, we live technology. – Godfrey Reggio

Indiana Jones is very much an old-world kind of hero. He doesnt really have any kind of superpower or rely on any kind of technology to help him out of things. – Jamie Bell

In making certain things easier for people, technology has actually demotivated people from using their brains. We have all these devices that keep us connected, and yet were more disconnected than ever before. Why is that? – Emilio Estevez

I would absolutely love to go back to the simplicity of the 80s, where there wasnt texting, social media, iPhones, or smartphones. I love the fact that you would go home and check your messages. Im not well suited to the world of modern technology. – Matthew Rhys

School districts in the US dont adopt technology very quickly. – Reed Hastings

Technology causes problems as well as solves problems. Nobody has figured out a way to ensure that, as of tomorrow, technology wont create problems. Technology simply means increased power, which is why we have the global problems we face today. – Jared Diamond

Theres a lot more to see when youre playing and because of the advances in technology it makes room for all kinds of new characters. – Tara Strong

The technology available for film-making now is incredible, but I am a big believer that its all in the story. – Robert Redford