

Well, another market is being created now out of Internet technology. – Jim Barksdale

Internet entrepreneurs are using technology at every level of their company – from a one-person agency to a small firm, the newest technological advances are interwoven throughout every aspect of Internet-based businesses. – Marc Ostrofsky

The Cox Report documents a systematic, well-planned effort by the Chinese military at the highest levels to target and acquire technology for military modernization. – Charles Foster Bass

The U.S. government knew that China wanted to acquire sensitive U.S. technology, and instead of implementing a policy to prevent them from acquiring the information, the government all but gave them an invitation to take our equipment and designs. – Charles Foster Bass

But the technology was accessible, which suggests incompetence on the part of our counterintelligence community and the Clinton Administration, and may in fact rise to the level of treason. – Charles Foster Bass

The underlying principles of strategy are enduring, regardless of technology or the pace of change. – Michael Porter

As children, many of us were taught never to talk to strangers. As parents and grandparents, our message must change with technology to include strangers on the Internet. – Judy Biggert

Technology has made it much easier to make and manipulate music. Studio-driven, machine-driven music does not always transcend into being a good live act. Many current acts are great live, but many cannot cut it live. The music is not organic. – Vivian Campbell

Technology forced me to divorce a pixie and remarry a pixel. – Brian Celio

It would appear that we have reached the limits of what it is possible to achieve with computer technology, although one should be careful with such statements, as they tend to sound pretty silly in 5 years. – John von Neumann

Industrialization based on machinery, already referred to as a characteristic of our age, is but one aspect of the revolution that is being wrought by technology. – Emily Greene Balch

Technology gives us the facilities that lessen the barriers of time and distance – the telegraph and cable, the telephone, radio, and the rest. – Emily Greene Balch

To explore technology for me is something that I have to do. Otherwise, I feel completely left in the back… abandoned. – Bernardo Bertolucci

We cannot escape that Hollywood is in the middle of a wave of technological change. The current angst over all the implications of new entertainment technology is nothing new. – Michael Eisner

So the major obstacle to the development of new supplies is not geology but what happens above ground: international affairs, politics, investment and technology. – Daniel Yergin

People always underestimate the impact of technology. To give you an example: In the 1970s the frontier for offshore development was 200 meters, today it is 4,000 meters. – Daniel Yergin

The minimum we should hope for with any display technology is that it should do no harm. – Edward Tufte

As a matter of fact, when compression technology came along, we thought the future in 1996 was about voice. We got it wrong. It is about voice, video, and data, and that is what we have today on these cell phones. – Steve Buyer

For over 15 years, through the clean coal programs of the Department of Energy, the Federal Government has been a solid partner, working jointly with private companies and the states to develop and demonstrate a new generation of environmentally clean technology using coal. – Tim Holden

But I think technology advertising will have to stop addressing how products are made and concentrate more on what a product will do for the consumer. – Jay Chiat