

We can do it better, more consistently, and in the end, it will cost us less because the students that we produce will be superior to those without technology experience. – Major Owens

A total nuclear freeze is counterproductive – especially now, when technology is rapidly changing and the Soviets have some important strategic advantages. – Herman Kahn

When CD technology first came out, it was just so much waste. – Rick Danko

Advances in technology and in our understanding of illness and disease together with an expanded workforce and greater resources will allow us to provide more services to a higher quality. – John Hutton

Looking down the road, space exploration and the benefits it yields – in medicine and information technology – should not be overlooked. – Bob Barr

The recent fascination, I think, reflects the shift in approach by law enforcement officials to embrace technology as wholeheartedly as the rest of the world. – Jeffery Deaver

Modern technology has become a total phenomenon for civilization, the defining force of a new social order in which efficiency is no longer an option but a necessity imposed on all human activity. – Jacques Ellul

What we can do should never by itself determine what we choose to do, yet this is the way technology tends to work. – Richard Powers

My goal for technology has always been to reach a point where the technological mediation becomes invisible. – Richard Powers

Every technology, including the printing press, comes at some price. – Bill Keller

Scientists at MIT and engineering schools all across America say that they could improve the fuel economy standards for the existing set of vehicles by 10 miles per gallon using existing technology, without compromising safety or comfort at all. – Ed Markey

We know that al Qaeda is seeking radioactive materials and technology to launch a devastating attack, and that hundreds of radioactive sources have been lost or stolen in the U.S. and around the world. – Ed Markey

Take, therefore, what modern technology is capable of: the power of our moral sense allied to the power of communications and our ability to organize internationally.That, in my view, gives us the first opportunity as a community to fundamentally change the world. – Gordon Brown

By 2007, we were finally living in a culture where people get what networks are and what technology can do to connect people. – Chris Hughes

I knew I wanted to do something at the nexus of what I call global development and technology. – Chris Hughes

I mean, when you get down to very low numbers of nuclear weapons, and you contemplate going to zero, how do you deal with the reality of that technology being available to almost any country that seeks to pursue it? And what conditions do you put in place? – Robert M. Gates

The moment of drifting into thought has been so clipped by modern technology. Our lives are filled with distraction with smartphones and all the rest. People are so locked into not being present. – Glen Hansard

The laws of physics should allow us to arrange things molecule by molecule and even atom by atom, and at some point it was inevitable that we would develop a technology that would let us do this. – Ralph Merkle

If you look at the various strategies available for dealing with a new technology, sticking your head in the sand is not the most plausible strategy. – Ralph Merkle

If we attempt to block the development of new technology, we effectively have ensured that the most responsible parties will not develop them. – Ralph Merkle