

Today right here in America we have 50 million people without health insurance. – Corrine Brown

You know, for most seniors Medicare is their only form of health care. – Corrine Brown

Illegal drug use runs contrary to the image of health depicted by cycling. Distributors of these drugs must be prosecuted more harshly as they are ciminals. – Bernard Hinault

I brought together experts from health care, business, academic institutions, and the community to develop a comprehensive blueprint for eliminating racial and ethnic disparities in health care in the City of Boston. – Thomas Menino

In the field of health care, we are giving people access to insurance who have not had it before. – Christine Gregoire

More and more surveys in the US are indicating a change in values taking place among consumers, who become more concerned about quality of life, food, health and the environment. – David Korten

Most illegals are without health insurance, and when these workers need emergency healthcare, the American taxpayer gets stuck with the bill. – Spencer Bachus

Illegal immigrants are beginning to comprise a black market class of workers in our society, jeopardizing the financial health of companies which play by the rules, while themselves vulnerable to the exploitation by those willing to take advantage of their illegal status. – Spencer Bachus

Any veteran can tell you it is already hard enough to see a doctor down at the VA and get the health care they were promised when they signed up to serve this country. – Nick Lampson

Every American has a right to affordable, high-quality health care. – Max Baucus

Democrats believe we must have comprehensive health care reform that includes giving the federal government authority to negotiate lower prices with drug companies. – Jim Clyburn

People are at their happiest if they are true to themselves. I think that applies to their chosen profession, friends and relationships. It goes for your health too. If you are true to yourself, it seems to me everything should work out pretty well. – Bebe Neuwirth

Irregular contact with doctors means many men fail to receive any preventive care for potentially life-threatening conditions. In addition, when men do seek care, embarrassment can often prevent them from openly discussing health concerns with their physicians. – Michael Crapo

This change to a higher phase of alert is a signal to governments, to ministries of health and other ministries, to the pharmaceutical industry and the business community that certain actions now should be undertaken with increased urgency and at an accelerated pace. – Margaret Chan

We have really good data that show when you take patients and you really inform them about their choices, patients make more frugal choices. They pick more efficient choices than the health care system does. – Donald Berwick

I had all kinds of food issues, including health concerns and weight concerns. – Sally Schneider

My home State of North Carolina ranks 12th in the United States for increased aging population and, according to a national report, 41st in overall health. According to this same report, individuals aged 50+ are the least healthy. – Howard Coble

I look forward to working with our leadership team to advance the causes of smaller government, lower taxes, eliminating terrorism, and providing affordable health care, among other issues. – Howard Coble

The first draught serveth for health, the second for pleasure, the third for shame, and the fourth for madness. – Anacharsis

Today, diabetes is now epidemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control, the National Institutes of Health, the American Diabetes Association and other national healthcare leaders. – Tim Holden