

A common misconception is that the costs of health care are cheaper in rural America, when in fact the reality is that they are more expensive and more difficult to access. – Blanche Lincoln

To maximize our potential to enhance our health and our knowledge, we should remain open to new understanding and evolving technology or resources that might inspire a change in our approach to these important questions. – Samuel Wilson

To get away from poverty, you need several things at the same time: school, health, and infrastructure – those are the public investments. And on the other side, you need market opportunities, information, employment, and human rights. – Hans Rosling

When I gave birth to my fourth child, I suffered from post partum hemorrhaging. I almost lost my life. I was lucky to be under the care of trained health care personnel. I started wondering then what was happening to women in rural villages. – Joyce Banda

I suspect the psychological pressure associated with that crisis caused the first mental blackout I had ever suffered. It contributed to a deterioration in my health that later required the insertion of a heart pacemaker. – Kamisese Mara

Making sure that health care is affordable for every American. I think that is very, very important. – Kendrick Meek

Looking at affordable health care, I think it is important that we look not only at prescription drugs, but also make sure that there is a major focus on health care. – Kendrick Meek

I never could have achieved the success that I have without setting physical activity and health goals. – Bonnie Blair

The H-1B visa program which helps sustain our rapidly growing economy and also helps meet the health care needs of families living in rural New Mexico. – Heather Wilson

Great Britain had a much different situation than we do and did here in the United States, in that they had literally thousands of infected animals with human health risks. Their infectivity in this disease happened before very much was known about it. – Ann Veneman

But the fact of the matter is that all scientific evidence would show, based upon what we know about this disease, that muscle cuts – that is, the meat of the animal itself – should not cause any risk to human health. – Ann Veneman

Since the 1960s, there has been a tremendous expansion of the resources available to pay for health care. – Phil Bredesen

Domestic discretionary spending on education and health care and the environment has been growing at 2 to 3 percent a year. He says we have to rein it in, but he ignores the spending category that is the big spike in the budget. – John Spratt

I want to assure your excellency that I am occupying myself permanently and jointly with my team to achieve a solution as soon as possible to this crisis, the principal objective being the safeguarding of the health and life of those who are inside. – Alberto Fujimori

What we know from World War I is that some of our troops had acute symptoms of exposure to chemicals, had bad health and died because of chemical exposure in World War I. – Christopher Shays

If you believe that health care is a public good to be guaranteed by the state, then a single-payer system is the next best alternative. Unfortunately, it is fiscally unsustainable without rationing. – Charles Krauthammer

I believe that stress is a factor in any bad health. – Christopher Shays

I am all about health… and to me, size is not what defines your health. – Teri Hatcher

My father was a member of the Teamsters Union in California, where he helped to organize better health care for workers. My mother worked for more than 20 years on an assembly line. – Hilda Solis

No one has the right to threaten the health, education, and well-being of children by involving them in illegal or inappropriate work. – Hilda Solis