The first draught serveth for health, the second for pleasure, the

The first draught serveth for health, the second for pleasure, the third for shame, and the fourth for madness. – Anacharsis

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We take our kids for physical vaccinations, dental exams, eye checkups. When do we think to take our – our son or daughter for a mental health checkup? – Gordon Smith


Success doesnt mean that you are healthy, success doesnt mean that youre happy, success doesnt mean that youre rested. Success really doesnt mean that you look good, or feel good, or are good. – Victoria Principal


Im one of those people who is actually inspired by a deadline. I might not sleep for many days on end, it may not be good for my health, but it definitely helps. – Carter Burwell


Obamacare is a seriously flawed law that makes health care coverage less affordable, costs taxpayers more than advertised and fails to deliver on most of its other grand promises. – Fred Upton


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I myself believe that there will one day be time travel because when we find that something isnt forbidden by the over-arching laws of physics we usually eventually find a technological way of doing it. – David Deutsch


All human language draws its nature and value from the fact that it both comes from the Word of God and is chosen by God to manifest himself. But this relationship is secret and incomprehensible, beyond the bounds of reason and analysis. – Jacques Ellul


Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing worth knowing can be taught. – Oscar Wilde, "The Critic as Artist," 1890

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We will have bigger bureaucracies, bigger labor unions, and bigger state-run corporations. It will be harder to be an entrepreneur because of punitive taxes and regulations. The rewards of success will be expropriated for the sake of attaining greater income equality. – Arthur C. Brooks
