

The Senate is a body of old men charged with high duties and misdemeanors. – Ambrose Bierce

Great is the power, great is the authority of a senate that is unanimous in its opinions. – Marcus Tullius Cicero

Sure the people are stupid: the human race is stupid. Sure Congress is an inefficient instrument of government. But the people are not stupid enough to abandon representative government for any other kind, including government by the guy who knows. – Bernard Devoto

We have the power to do any damn fool thing we want to do, and we seem to do it about every ten minutes. – J. William Fulbright

The Few assume to be the deputies, but they are often only the despoilers of the Many. – G. W. F. Hegel

I have been up to see the Congress and they do not seem to be able to do anything except to eat peanuts and chew tobacco, while my army is starving. – General Robert E. Lee

There should be one day when there is open season on senators. – Will Rogers

With Congress, every time they make a joke its a law, and every time they make a law its a joke. – Will Rogers

If we were left solely to the wordy wit of legislators in Congress for our guidance, uncorrected by the seasonal experience and the effectual complaints of the people, America would not long retain her rank among the nations. – Henry David Thoreau

There are two enemies to every bill proposed in Congress, the fools who favor it and the lunatics who oppose it. – Source Unknown

This is a Senate of equals, of men of individual honor and personal character, and of absolute independence. We know no masters, we acknowledge no dictators. This is a hall for mutual consultation and discussion; not an arena for the exhibition of champions. – Daniel Webster

I believe if we introduced the Lords Prayer here, senators would propose a large number of amendments to it. – Henry Wilson