Quote by George Santayana
The body is an instrument, the mind its function, the witness and

The body is an instrument, the mind its function, the witness and reward of its operation. – George Santayana

Other quotes by George Santayana

A string of excited, fugitive, miscellaneous pleasures is not happiness happiness resides in imaginative reflection and judgment, when the picture of ones life, or of human life, as it truly has been or is, satisfies the will, and is gladly accepted. – George Santayana

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Body, the

There is but one temple in the universe and that is the body of man. – Novalis

Body, the

The body is the souls poor house or home, whose ribs the laths are and whose flesh the loam. – Robert Herrick

Body, the

Time was when I despised the body:
But then I saw the God within.
The Body I relaised is the Lords temple;
And so I began preserving it with care infinite. – Thirumoolar

Body, the

If our elaborate and dominating bodies are given us to be denied at every turn, if our nature is always wrong and wicked, how ineffectual we are – like fishes not meant to swim. – Cyril Connolly

Body, the

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