

If you want to kill time, try working it to death. – Sam Levonson

To labor is to pray. – Motto of the Benedictines

A lot of what passes for depression these days is nothing more than a body saying that it needs work. – Geoffrey Norman

Sweat cleanses from the inside. It comes from places a shower will never reach. – George Sheehan

Nothing got without pains but an ill name and long nails. – Scottish Proverb

“I have no more than twenty acres of ground,” he replied, “the whole of which I cultivate myself with the help of my children; and our labor keeps off from us the three great evils – boredom, vice, and want.” – Voltaire

What the country needs are a few labor-making inventions. – Arnold Glasow

It is necessary to work, if not from inclination, at least from despair. Everything considered, work is less boring than amusing oneself. – Charles Baudelaire

When I work I relax; doing nothing or entertaining visitors makes me tired. – Pablo Picasso

There are moments when art attains almost to the dignity of manual labor. – Oscar Wilde

We are closer to the ants than to the butterflies. Very few people can endure much leisure. – Gerald Brenan, Thoughts in a Dry Season

Idleness begets ennui, ennui the hypochondriac, and that a diseased body. No laborious person was ever yet hysterical. – Thomas Jefferson, 1787

It is only the constant exertion and working of our sensitive, intellectual, moral, and physical machinery that keep us from rusting, and so becoming useless. – Charles Simmons

Take a man out of the trenches, make him a straw boss, and he develops a belly. – Martin H. Fischer (1879–1962)

Everybody loves some fun, back-breaking manual labor! – Animal Crossing: Wild World (Nintendo video game) written by Takayuki Ikkaku, Ar

There are only three instincts: eating-drinking, sex, and work. – Martin H. Fischer (1879–1962)

Believe me, the man who earns his bread by the sweat of his brow, eats oftener a sweeter morsel, however coarse, than he who procures it by the labor of his brains. – Washington Irving, letter to Pierre Paris Irving (nephew), 1824 December 7th

Genius begins great works; labor alone finishes them. – Joseph Joubert

What the country needs is dirtier fingernails and cleaner minds. – Will Rogers

People love chopping wood. In this activity one immediately sees results. – Attributed to Albert Einstein