Quote by Cindy Crawford
Its become another dimension to who I am. I dont think Sports Illu

Its become another dimension to who I am. I dont think Sports Illustrated is going to be wanting me. But who cares? Im at a different place in my life. – Cindy Crawford

Other quotes by Cindy Crawford

When you are getting ready to become a mom, being in love with someone just isnt enough. You need to think about whether he would be a good parent and raise your children with similar beliefs. – Cindy Crawford

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I like to work. The self-esteem and satisfaction that I get from working makes me a better person, which makes me a better mom. I feel lucky because I have the luxury of working only one or two days a week. – Cindy Crawford

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Music has done a lot to enhance the emotions of sports. Its played in arenas. Whenever there is footage cut together theyre always using music. And it goes together, you know. – Ice Cube


Sport strips away personality, letting the white bone of character shine through. Sport gives players an opportunity to know and test themselves. – Rita Mae Brown


I used to sports gamble a lot and I was getting killed on that but then I found poker and really enjoyed it. But it was a hobby more than anything else. I played it every day but only on pretty small stakes. – Chris Moneymaker


I liked the energy of cooking, the action, the camaraderie. I often compare the kitchen to sports and compare the chef to a coach. There are a lot of similarities to it. – Todd English


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