Quotes by

Mason Cooley

If you are going to break a Law of Art, make the crime interesting. – Mason Cooley

Amazing that the human race has taken enough time out from thinking about food or sex to create the arts and sciences. – Mason Cooley

The lonely become either thoughtful or empty. – Mason Cooley

Living alone makes it harder to find someone to blame. – Mason Cooley

Old age: I fall asleep during the funerals of my friends. – Mason Cooley

Staid middle age loves the hurricane passions of opera. – Mason Cooley

Middle age went by while I was mourning for my lost youth. – Mason Cooley

Vacations prove that a life of pleasure is overrated. – Mason Cooley

Unemployment diminishes people. Leisure enlarges them. – Mason Cooley

Psychology keeps trying to vindicate human nature. History keeps undermining the effort. – Mason Cooley

Travelers never think that they are the foreigners. – Mason Cooley

The sewing machine joins what the scissors have cut asunder, plus whatever else comes in its path. – Mason Cooley

Radical historians now tell the story of Thanksgiving from the point of view of the turkey. – Mason Cooley

Regret for wasted time is more wasted time. – Mason Cooley

Astrology: do we make a hullabaloo among the stars, or do they make a hullabaloo down here? – Mason Cooley

Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story. – Mason Cooley