Quotes by

Doug Coupland

If human beings had genuine courage, theyd wear their costumes every day of the year, not just on Halloween. – Doug Coupland

If you dont change, then whats the point of anything happening to you? – Doug Coupland

Human beings are the only animal that thinks they change who they are simply by moving to a different place. Birds migrate, but its not quite the same thing. – Doug Coupland

Canadians can easily pass for American as long as we dont accidentally use metric measurements or apologize when hit by a car. – Doug Coupland

If God drives a car, Hed drive a 1973 Ford LTD Brougham sedan with a claret-colored vinyl roof, with oxblood leather upholstery and an opera window. – Doug Coupland

The real killers in the business world arent the ones who aim for the top, its the ones who aim for two notches below the top. – Doug Coupland

Most people have no idea how to politely answer a phone. The English do, and its been their only major business advantage for the past two centuries. – Doug Coupland

Technology favors horrible people. – Doug Coupland

Christmas makes everything twice as sad. – Doug Coupland

Before machines the only form of entertainment people really had was relationships. – Doug Coupland

The person who needs the other person the least in a relationship is the stronger member. – Doug Coupland

Forget sex or politics or religion, loneliness is the subject that clears out a room. – Doug Coupland

Nature is one great big wood-chipper. Sooner or later, everything shoots out the other end in a spray of blood, bones and hair. – Doug Coupland

People will always choose more money over more sex. – Doug Coupland

I think money is due for some sort of collapse. People are going to realize that money has a half-life, like radioactive elements. – Doug Coupland

If someone decides to be a musician now, it means because there is no hope of money at the end of it, it means they really want to be a musician. And if someone is writing now, there is no hope for money at the end of it. – Doug Coupland

We live in an era with no historical precedents. History is no longer useful as a tool in helping us understand current changes. – Doug Coupland

In the future, torture will once again become the recreational sport of the rich. – Doug Coupland

The future and eternity are two entirely different things. – Doug Coupland

You pretend to be more eccentric than you actually are because you fear you are an interchangeable cog. – Doug Coupland