Quote by Dylan McDermott
New York had a big influence on me growing up, and I was really pa

New York had a big influence on me growing up, and I was really part of the club scene – the Mudd Club and Studio 54. When youre living in New York, you are just bombarded with style, trying to figure out how to be cool and how to feel relaxed at the same time. – Dylan McDermott

Other quotes by Dylan McDermott

Style is innate to who I am. My father gave me a picture the other day. I must have been about seven, and I had on wing-tip shoes and some cool pants. I thought, Wow! – Dylan McDermott

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Honestly, Im cool with everyone, and people pick up on that. Id say, Im not gay, but its all good. Its kind of like going to Paris when you dont know the language some Americans get into trouble over there, but Im just like, Sorry, I dont speak French. – Dylan McDermott

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Its like, no matter what I do, I always feel like Im five years old, and I end up in the back of my fathers car looking out the window, and nothing has changed in 25 years. – Dylan McDermott

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Competition is great. And as long as its friendly and not a malicious thing, then I think its cool. – Janet Jackson


Im a big fan of all the Boston guys that are acting – Matt Damon , Ben Affleck, Mark Wahlberg – they made a great career out of it, and they found a way to do it and still be cool guys, so thats kind of where I want to be. – Kenny Wormald


I have the ability to sing with emotion and feeling, but if you say I sound like Billie Holiday, thats cool. Lets look at who Billie was: she was this person, this singer, this beautiful diva who could move the audience with the slightest gesture of her hand. – Erykah Badu


The frustrating part of it is that youre generally known for what you did last. Ive had the privilege of doing some very cool independent films that, a lot of the time, the general public doesnt see unless youre at a film festival or youre into that kind of movie. – Hayden Panettiere


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