Quote by Terri Guillemets
Work hard, enrobe yourself in velvet hope, and rule your world! -

Work hard, enrobe yourself in velvet hope, and rule your world! – Terri Guillemets

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A nonsmoker is forced to find food, but for a smoker breakfast can be a cigarette and a cup of bad coffee. – Terri Guillemets

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Toss your dashed hopes not into a trash bin but into a drawer where you are likely to rummage some bright morning. – Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com

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The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. – Jimmy Johnson

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Dig the well before you are thirsty. – Chinese Proverb

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Anyone can carry his burden, however hard, until nightfall. Anyone can do his work, however hard, for one day. Anyone can live sweetly, patiently, lovingly, purely, till the sun goes down. And this is all life really means. – Robert Louis Stevenson

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