

Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way you play it is free will. – Jawaharlal Nehru

Lots of folks confuse bad management with destiny. – Kin Hubbard

Failure and success seem to have been allotted to men by their stars. But they retain the power of wriggling, of fighting with their star or against it, and in the whole universe the only really interesting movement is this wriggle. – E.M. Forester

If fate means you to lose, give him a good fight anyhow. – William McFee

Sometimes, perhaps, we are allowed to get lost that we may find the right person to ask directions of. – Robert Brault,

There’s much to be said for challenging fate instead of ducking behind it. – Diana Trilling

He that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned. – Author Unknown

Fate laughs at probabilities. – Edward George Earle Bulwer-Lytton

A door that seems to stand open must be a man’s size, or it is not the door that Providence means for him. – Henry Ward Beecher

A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it. – Jean de La Fontaine

The last I heard from my destiny, it wanted me to make a legal U-Turn at my next opportunity. – Robert Brault,

We cannot bear to regard ourselves simply as playthings of blind chance; we cannot admit to feeling ourselves abandoned. – Ugo Betti, Struggle till Dawn, 1949

You know that saying, that when God closes a door he opens a window, well, sometimes out of nowhere he’ll do you one better and he’ll kick a whole wall down. – Glee, “Furt” (season 2, episode 8, original airdate November 23, 2010), written

Accept the things to which fate binds you and love the people with whom fate brings you together, and do so with all your heart. – Marcus Aurelius

Amor Fati – “Love Your Fate,” which is in fact your life. – Friedrich Nietzsche

Sometimes what we believe as coincidence is really just getting ourselves caught in an angel booby trap. – Terri Guillemets

Alas, by the time Fate caught up with my life, Chance had it all planned. – Robert Brault,

The pulse of destiny still shook the foundations of the world. The will that had willed this thing to happen had now another will to deal with—nor should the stream of Fate swallow up his heart without a cry. – Frederic Jesup Stimson, In Cure of Her Soul, 1906, wording slightly altered

There is an unseen life that dreams us. It knows our true direction and destiny. We can trust ourselves more than we realize and we need have no fear of change. – John O’Donohue

It is sad when two people turn from the paths they’re traveling, and their paths go on to cross without them. – Robert Brault,