Quote by Leopold Fechtner
If you wonder where your child left his roller skates, try walking

If you wonder where your child left his roller skates, try walking around the house in the dark. – Leopold Fechtner

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There are many in this old world of ours who hold that things break about even for all of us. I have observed for example that we all get the same amount of ice. The rich get it in the summertime and the poor get it in the winter. – Bat Masterson

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Why do they put the Gideon Bibles only in the bedrooms, where it’s usually too late, and not in the barroom downstairs? – Christopher Morley, Contribution to a Contribution

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If an article is attractive, or useful, or inexpensive, they’ll stop making it tomorrow; if it’s all three, they stopped making it yesterday. – Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic’s Notebook, 1960

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I find I always have to write something on a steamed mirror. – Elaine Dundy

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