One man with courage is a majority. – Thomas Jefferson
The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do. – Thomas Jefferson
One man with courage is a majority. – Thomas Jefferson
The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do. – Thomas Jefferson
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. – Thomas Jefferson
Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories. – Thomas Jefferson
To talk about balance, its easier to talk about whats out of balance. And I think anytime that you have any disease, and disease meaning lack of ease, lack of flow… dis-ease. So any time theres disease, youre out of balance, whether its jealousy, anger, greed, anxiety, fear. – Ricky Williams
History shows that there is nothing so easy to enslave and nothing so hard to emancipate as ignorance, hence it becomes the double enemy of civilization. By its servility it is the prey of tyranny, and by its credulity it is the foe of enlightenment. – Lemuel K. Washburn, Is The Bible Worth Reading And Other Essays