Quote by Katherine Jenkins
I wish I got a little bit more time at home. I am away a lot and b

I wish I got a little bit more time at home. I am away a lot and being around my loved ones and friends is good for me. It grounds me. Its something I need to make more time for. I think I need a little more balance. – Katherine Jenkins

Other quotes by Katherine Jenkins

Growing up with my family gave me some of my best memories. Id like to have a family of my own – slip away for a bit and do nothing but spend those early years with my children. – Katherine Jenkins

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I would absolutely, definitely never sell my wedding pictures to a magazine. Id like it to be a special day, not a photo shoot. And once youve done that, your marriage becomes everybody elses business. – Katherine Jenkins

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I do follow a version of the Dukan diet, but I dont follow it to the extreme so a lot of fish and vegetables. If I want chocolate Ill let myself have a bit of chocolate in moderation. – Katherine Jenkins

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A man travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it. – George Edward Moore


I love my parents. But Im almost 28 and its not fun to be asked, What are you doing today? What do you want for dinner? When are you going to be home? It just makes you feel like a kid. Its this juxtaposition of feeling annoyed and really lucky to have people who love you so much. – Jonah Hill


When I come home, my daughter will run to the door and give me a big hug, and everything thats happened that day just melts away. – Hugh Jackman


They pick all of us out, and then they decide, they computerize, decide if they like it or dont like it, and then they go home, and then they come back again because theyre not sure what they saw. – Alice Cooper


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