Quotes by

Katherine Jenkins

I always want to give my best and do the best I can. I know when I have sung my best and when I havent. There can be stresses and hassles with time travel and press attention. I just have to adapt and find a way of dealing with it. – Katherine Jenkins

With Believe bringing really big success for me outside of the U.K. for the first time, it meant I have been touring around the world and that led to a gap from the studio. I really feel like the gap has done me the world of good. Throughout that time I was able to collect songs that I really loved. – Katherine Jenkins

Im a Cancerian, the typical crab with the tough outer shell and the soft bit in the middle. I dont think Ill ever come to terms with people being unnecessarily nasty, but I can take it if someone doesnt like my music – Im not everyones cup of tea. – Katherine Jenkins

I sing a mixture of everything from opera, folk music, Broadway. Its a mix of things. – Katherine Jenkins

My music appeals in America. There is less of the purist criticism I get here. And to be a hit in the U.S… what singer doesnt have that dream? – Katherine Jenkins

I love to listen to pop music and I admire people who do that, but I dont think I would ever be a very good pop star. I always leave that singing voice for the shower! I wouldnt put it out in the world! – Katherine Jenkins

I think maybe because of the kind of music I sing, people want to believe youre a diva. They cant believe after eight years, and eight albums, youre still relatively sane. I feel like they almost want me to throw something at somebody. – Katherine Jenkins

Youre now getting a new breed of people like Il Divo and Andrea Bocelli and I think thats why people feel less intimidated by classical music than they once did. – Katherine Jenkins

I really see myself as a homegirl. Wales is my first home. London is my second home – Ive been there 14 years now. – Katherine Jenkins

Im launching my own festival in South Wales. Its something Ive wanted to do for a long time. Its going to be held at Margam Park, because I wanted the venue to be as close to my home as possible. – Katherine Jenkins

I wish I got a little bit more time at home. I am away a lot and being around my loved ones and friends is good for me. It grounds me. Its something I need to make more time for. I think I need a little more balance. – Katherine Jenkins

I go home and dont get treated any differently. People have known me all my life and are interested and very supportive but because they have known me forever I dont get any diva treatment. My mum still tells me off if I havent loaded the dishwasher for her. – Katherine Jenkins

With all the hundreds of dresses and shoes I have, it would be an absolute crime if I dont have a little girl. I have a whole room at home filled with my stage wear. – Katherine Jenkins

Ive only ever wanted to be a singer I never wanted to be famous. – Katherine Jenkins

Growing up with my family gave me some of my best memories. Id like to have a family of my own – slip away for a bit and do nothing but spend those early years with my children. – Katherine Jenkins

I am fussy, about my diet and straining my voice. I know, sounds a bit over the top. But Im not as bad as I used to be. These days I dont drink alcohol for five days before a show – very dehydrating for the vocal cords, and all that acid reflux. I used to ban it for a fortnight. Nightmare. – Katherine Jenkins

I do follow a version of the Dukan diet, but I dont follow it to the extreme so a lot of fish and vegetables. If I want chocolate Ill let myself have a bit of chocolate in moderation. – Katherine Jenkins

In Heaven, I believe my dad is somewhere doing something nice. I feel Ive been too lucky to travel this far without somebody guiding me. – Katherine Jenkins

I would absolutely, definitely never sell my wedding pictures to a magazine. Id like it to be a special day, not a photo shoot. And once youve done that, your marriage becomes everybody elses business. – Katherine Jenkins

Im over the moon to be involved in the Doctor Who Christmas special. I cant quite believe it as its a part of the family tradition at the Jenkins household. I heard the news that I got the role on my 30th birthday and it was the best birthday present ever. – Katherine Jenkins