Quote by James Agee
When he ran from a cop his transitions from accelerating walk to e

When he ran from a cop his transitions from accelerating walk to easy jog trot to brisk canter to headlong gallop to flogged-piston sprint…were as distinct and as soberly in order as an automatic gearshift. – James Agee

Other quotes by James Agee

He used this great, sad, motionless face to suggest various related things: a one-track mind near the tracks end of pure insanity; mulish imperturbability under the wildest of circumstances; how dead a human being can get and still be alive… – James Agee

Actors, Acting
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Actors, Acting

The actors today really need the whip hand. Theyre so lazy. They havent got the sense of pride in their profession that the less socially elevated musical comedy and music hall people or acrobats have. The theater has never been any good since the actors became gentlemen. – W. H. Auden

Actors, Acting

Acting is the expression of a neurotic impulse. Its a bums life. The principal benefit acting has afforded me is the money to pay for my psychoanalysis. – Marlon Brando

Actors, Acting

Until Ace Ventura, no actor had considered talking through his ass. – Jim Carrey

Actors, Acting

One forgets too easily the difference between a man and his image, and that there is none between the sound of his voice on the screen and in real life. – Robert Bresson

Actors, Acting

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