Quote by Jared Harris
I wasnt aware of my dad being an actor when I was young. I remembe

I wasnt aware of my dad being an actor when I was young. I remember there was an Australian childrens entertainer on television called Ralph Harris and when Id say my father was an actor, kids would say, you know, oh, is he Ralph Harris? And I had to say no and then they would lose interest. – Jared Harris

Other quotes by Jared Harris

My father was a Catholic, but my mother wasnt. She had to do that weird deal you do as a Catholic – they deign to sanction your marriage and you have to bring your children up as Catholics. – Jared Harris

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I keep mementos from everything Ive done. Ive got my cab drivers license from Happiness. Ive got a pair of glasses and a belt buckle from playing John Lennon. Ive got a pair of sunglasses from playing Andy Warhol… Its all in a box in the garage. – Jared Harris

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My mom was a professional. My dad and mom met each other in a movie called New Faces of 1937. My mom went under the name Thelma Leeds, and she did a few movies, and she was really a great singer, and when she married my dad and started to have a family, she sang at parties. – Albert Brooks


You know my father as governor, as president, but I knew him as dad. I was so proud to have the Reagan name and to be Ronald Reagans son. – Michael Reagan


My dad was born in Chicago in 1908… his parents came from Russia. They settled in Chicago, where they lived in a little tiny grocery store with eight or nine children – in the backroom all together – and my grandmother got the idea to go into the movie business. – Bob Balaban


But although Australia was also involved in the Vietnam conflict, I can remember my dad telling us that if we were in Australia, we wouldnt be drafted until we were 20. – Mel Gibson


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If they can prove that I am wrong by that time, I will give it up to their wisdom, but not after to any ones judgment, till I see the end of another year for the Lord will begin with a new century and I will see what he will do, before I will hearken to any mans judgment. – Joanna Southcott


On a film set everyone is very cool. Well, blase really. – Anthony Daniels


Conquest is not in our principles. It is inconsistent with our government. – Thomas Jefferson


Einstein said, “God does not play dice with the world.” Now if the dice would only stop playing God. – Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com
