Quote by Robert Collier
Vision - It reaches beyond the thing that is, into the conception

Vision – It reaches beyond the thing that is, into the conception of what can be. Imagination gives you the picture. Vision gives you the impulse to make the picture your own. – Robert Collier

Other quotes by Robert Collier

Every contrivance of man, every tool, every instrument, every utensil, every article designed for use, of each and every kind, evolved from a very simple beginnings. – Robert Collier

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The first principle of success is desire – knowing what you want. Desire is the planting of your seed. – Robert Collier

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All of us have bad luck and good luck. The man who persists through the bad luck — who keeps right on going — is the man who is there when the good luck comes — and is ready to receive it. – Robert Collier

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Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun. – George Scialabba


The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed. – Albert Einstein


Poetry proceeds from the totality of man, sense, imagination, intellect, love, desire, instinct, blood and spirit together. – Jacques Maritain


Well, the fact is that one imagination is critically important, and if you have had your imagination stimulated by what is basically a variety of subjects, you are much more amenable to accepting, to understanding and interacting with the realities of the world. – Ashley Judd


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