Quote by James Purefoy
Violence is a very ugly thing. Violence is often so casual on film

Violence is a very ugly thing. Violence is often so casual on film, and made to look so cool and so sexy, but violence is a repulsive, repugnant act that human beings inflict on each other. It shouldnt seem to be cool and sexy, ever really. – James Purefoy

Other quotes by James Purefoy

Decide very early on: do you want to be an actor or do you want to be famous? Because theyre very different routes. – James Purefoy

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President Clinton is going to embrace President Obama, as he should. They are working together. Theyre different kinds of people. Obama is cool, Clinton is a schmoozer. Both are great speakers. Its a great merging of the party. – Bill Richardson


You get a timeless cool card in New York. – Vin Diesel


In my mind, as long as I did what was right for me, I was cool. But thats not the way it works. You have to think about other people and take their feelings into account. – Joe Nichols


Sometimes guys are so concerned with being cool and hanging out with their friends. They dont want to seem like the guy that has to call his girlfriend. Its just boys growing up. – Kristin Cavallari


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