Creative minds are rarely tidy. – John William Gardner, “Self-Renewal: The Individual and the Innovative Society,” Category: Mind
Perhaps God gives us a physical body so that every time we change our mind, we won’t be someone else. – Robert Brault, Category: Mind
[W]ith an unquiet mind, neither exercise, nor diet, nor physick can be of much use. – Samuel Johnson Category: Mind
The more that I know of politics, the more it makes me realize that being a politician is largely useless. – Sophia Bush Category: Politics
I used to have a theory actually that, if youve had a good childhood, a good marriage and a little bit of money in the bank, youre going to make a lousy comedian. – David Steinberg Category: Marriage
If you have a college degree you can be absolutely sure of one thing… you have a college degree. – Author Unknown Category: College
Our industry has invested so much money in technology that perhaps its time to invest in talent, in people. – Christiane Amanpour Category: Technology