

We have rudiments of reverence for the human body, but we consider as nothing the rape of the human mind. – Eric Hoffer

The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water. – Sigmund Freud

All sorts of bodily diseases are produced by half-used minds. – George Bernard Shaw

The mind is the most capricious of insects — flitting, fluttering. – Virginia Woolf

When people will not weed their own minds, they are apt to be overrun with nettles. – Horace Walpole, letter to the Countess of Ailesbury, 1779 July 10th

No mind, however loving, could bear to see plainly into all the recesses of another mind. – Arnold Bennett

It’s hard to make up your bed while you’re still sleeping in it. Hard to make up your mind for the same reason. – Robert Brault,

Impressions arriving at the brain make it enter into activity, just as food falling into the stomach excites it to more abundant secretion of gastric juice. – Pierre Cabanis, translated from French

That’s the classical mind at work, runs fine inside but looks dingy on the surface. – Robert M. Pirsig

The mind is like a trunk: if well-packed, it holds almost every thing; if ill-packed, next to nothing. – Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare, Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers

Be careful of your thoughts, they may become words at any moment. – Iara Gassen

[W]e do not have such a clear mirror for our minds as we do for our bodies. – TKV Desikachar

A mental stain can neither be blotted out by the passage of time nor washed away by any waters. – Cicero

The mind I love must have wild places, a tangled orchard where dark damsons drop in the heavy grass, an overgrown little wood, the chance of a snake or two, a pool that nobody’s fathomed the depth of, and paths threaded with flowers planted by the mind. – Katherine Mansfield

Men are not prisoners of fate, but prisoners of their own minds. – Franklin D. Roosevelt

[W]ith an unquiet mind, neither exercise, nor diet, nor physick can be of much use. – Samuel Johnson

Perhaps God gives us a physical body so that every time we change our mind, we won’t be someone else. – Robert Brault,

I have too much brain for my head; it cannot play at ease in its case. – Joseph Joubert (1754–1824), translated from French by George H. Calvert, 1

The western mind is linear, the eastern mind is circular. – Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

Few minds are sunlike, sources of light in themselves and to others: many more are moons that shine with a borrowed radiance. One may easily distinguish the two: the former are always full; the latter only now and then, when their suns are shining full upon them. – Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare, Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers