Quote by Eric Stoltz
I think violence, cynicism, brutality and fashion are the staples

I think violence, cynicism, brutality and fashion are the staples of our diet. I think in the grand history of story-telling, going back to people sitting around fires, the dark side of human nature has always been very important. Movies are part of that tradition. – Eric Stoltz

Other quotes by Eric Stoltz

I have a love/hate relationship with just about all technology in my life. My first typewriter in particular. I had a helluva time putting new ribbon on it. – Eric Stoltz

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My parents moved to American Samoa when I was three or four years old. My dad was principal of a high school there. It was idyllic for a kid. I had a whole island for a backyard. I lived there until I was eight years old and we moved to Santa Barbara. – Eric Stoltz

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I can relate to historical characters or imaginary ones. It doesnt matter if a story takes place in the future or in the present, as long as the story is compelling. – Eric Stoltz

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