
Wish, Wishes, Wishing

Between the wish and the thing life lies waiting. – Proverb

We would often be sorry if our wishes were granted. – Aesop

Stop the mindless wishing that things would be different. Rather than wasting time and emotional and spiritual energy in explaining why we dont have what we want, we can start to pursue other ways to get it. – Greg Anderson

A prayer in its simplest definition is merely a wish turned Godward. – Phillips Brooks

A man of the world must seem to be what he wishes to be thought. – Jean De La Bruyere

We must not wish anything other than what happens from moment to moment, all the while, however, exercising ourselves in goodness. – St. Catherine of Genoa

To do nothing evil is good; to wish nothing evil is better. – Claudius

DATOS LAW. Wishes expand in direct proportion to the resources available for their gratification. – Robert Dato

Beware what you set your heart upon. For it shall surely be yours. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

A man, when he wishes, is the master of his fate. – Jose Ferrer

Oh, the secret life of man and woman –dreaming how much better we would be than we are if we were somebody else or even ourselves, and feeling that our estate has been unexploited to its fullest. – Zelda Fitzgerald

If a man could have half of his wishes, he would double his troubles. – Benjamin Franklin

Industry need not wish. – Benjamin Franklin

We are never further from what we wish than when we believe that we have what we wished for. – Johann von Goethe

If wishes were fishes wed all be throwing nets. If wishes were horses wed all ride. – Doug Horton

Let us act on what we have, since we have not what we wish. – Cardinal J. Newman

My only wish is that my wishes be at rest. – Ruckett

The wishing gate opens into nothing. – C. H. (Charles Haddon) Spurgeon

Men try to run life according to their wishes; life runs itself according to necessity. – Jean Toomer

If wishes were horses then beggars would ride. – Source Unknown