Quote by Karl Lagerfeld
I think its horrible that people have to be told. Dont smoke! Ever

I think its horrible that people have to be told. Dont smoke! Everybody knows its bad for the health. But they have to forbid it. – Karl Lagerfeld

Other quotes by Karl Lagerfeld

Im not an employee who goes to the office every morning at the same time. Then, vacations are needed. – Karl Lagerfeld

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I like today and perhaps a little future still, but the past is really something Im not interested in. So, as far as Im concerned, I like only the past of things and people I dont know. When I know, I dont care because I knew how it was. – Karl Lagerfeld

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Never continue in a job you dont enjoy. If youre happy in what youre doing, youll like yourself, youll have inner peace. And if you have that, along with physical health, you will have had more success than you could possibly have imagined. – Johnny Carson


Human beings have survived for millennia because most of us make good decisions about our health most of the time. – Andrew Weil


Working families need to know that we will work to protect their health needs, promote the development of safe, effective medicines, and guarantee patient rights. – Christopher Dodd


Ive been to enough other countries in the world to know what happens when you have socialized single-payer health care. It works. People dont get sick as much. They dont lose their life savings with a catastrophic illness like cancer or AIDS. – Jello Biafra


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