The way to be immortal (I mean not to die at all) is to have me for your heir. I recommend you to put me in your will and you will see that (as long as I live at least) you will never even catch cold. – Lord (George Gordon) Byron
There is a strange charm in the thoughts of a good legacy, or the hopes of an estate, which wondrously removes or at least alleviates the sorrow that men would otherwise feel for the death of friends. – Miguel de Cervantes
As you know from school, its when you have not prepared for the test that you have the fear of failing. And if you have prepared, even if you fail, youve done your best. – Alice Walker
And I find – Im 63, and my capacity to be by myself and just spend time by myself hasnt diminished any. Thats the necessary part of being a writer, you better like being alone. – John Irving