

He who comes for the inheritance is often made to pay for the funeral. – Yiddish Proverb

Say not that you – Anon.

To kill a relative of whom you are tired is something. But to inherit his property afterwards, that is genuine pleasure. – Honore de Balzac

The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day. – Orlando A. Battista

A person can receive nothing except it be given him from heaven. – Bible

One does not jump, and spring, and shout hurrah! at hearing one has got a fortune, one begins to consider responsibilities, and to ponder business; on a base of steady satisfaction rise certain grave cares, and we contain ourselves, and brood over our bliss with a solemn brow. – Charlotte Bronte

For pleasures past I do not grieve, nor perils gathering near; My greatest grief is that I leave nothing that claims a tear. – Lord (George Gordon) Byron

The way to be immortal (I mean not to die at all) is to have me for your heir. I recommend you to put me in your will and you will see that (as long as I live at least) you will never even catch cold. – Lord (George Gordon) Byron

I would as soon leave my son a curse as the almighty dollar. – Andrew Carnegie

There is a strange charm in the thoughts of a good legacy, or the hopes of an estate, which wondrously removes or at least alleviates the sorrow that men would otherwise feel for the death of friends. – Miguel de Cervantes

You may not be able to leave your children a great inheritance, but day by day, you may be weaving coats for them which they will wear for all eternity. – Theodore L. Cuyler

All heiresses are beautiful. – John Dryden

Of course, money will do after its kind, and will steadily work to unspiritualize and unchurch the people to whom it was bequeathed. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

The patient is not likely to recover who makes the doctor his heir. – Thomas Fuller

I have also seen children successfully surmounting the effects of an evil inheritance. That is due to purity being an inherent attribute of the soul. – Mahatma Gandhi

The are of will-making chiefly consists in baffling the importunity of expectation. – William Hazlitt

Nothing succeeds like ones own successor. – Clarence H. Hincks

Its going to be fun to watch and see how long the meek can keep the earth after they inherit it. – Kin Hubbard

A third heir seldom enjoys what has been dishonestly acquired. – Juvenal

Say not you know another entirely till you have divided an inheritance with him. – Johann Kaspar Lavater