I think if you have a two-story office and you hire someone whos handicapped, it might be reasonable to let him have an office on the first floor rather than the government saying you have to have a $100,000 elevator. – Rand Paul
There is as much difference between the stage and the film as between a piano and a violin. Normally you cant become a virtuoso in both. – Ethel Barrymore
I had this temp receptionist job in New York, and I kind of hated it, and in the morning I would come out of the subway and just walk along the New York streets with all these people around me and kind of sing to myself. Like, Shes gonna make it! – Elizabeth Meriwether
Literature is without proofs. By which it must be understood that it cannot prove, not only what it says, but even that it is worth the trouble of saying it. – Roland Barthes