

In the one branch he most needed – Henry Adams

But how is one to make a scientist understand that there is something unalterably deranged about differential calculus, quantum theory, or the obscene and so inanely liturgical ordeals of the precession of the equinoxes. – Antonin Artaud

I have often admired the mystical way of Pythagoras, and the secret magic of numbers. – Sir Thomas Browne

The analytical geometry of Descartes and the calculus of Newton and Leibniz have expanded into the marvelous mathematical method – Nicholas Murray Butler

In studying mathematics or simply using a mathematical principle, if we get the wrong answer in sort of algebraic equation, we do not suddenly feel that there is an anti-mathematical principle that is luring us into the wrong answers. – Eric Butterworth

I know that two and two make four — and should be glad to prove it too if I could — though I must say if by any sort of process I could convert 2 and 2 into five it would give me much greater pleasure. – Lord (George Gordon) Byron

It is a mathematical fact that the casting of this pebble from my hand alters the centre of gravity of the universe. – Thomas Carlyle

Yet what are all such gaieties to me whose thoughts are full of indices and surds? – Lewis Carroll

Math is like love — a simple idea but it can get complicated. – R. Drabek

There are no creeds in mathematics. – Peter Drucker

The laws of Nature are written in the language of mathematics…the symbols are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without whose help it is impossible to comprehend a single word. – Galileo Galilei

Mathematicians are like Frenchman: whatever you say to them they translate Into their own language, and forthwith it is something entirely different. – Johann von Goethe

One has to be able to count if only so that at fifty one doesnt marry a girl of twenty. – Maxim Gorky

I would advise you Sir, to study algebra, if you are not already an adept in it: your head would be less muddy, and you will leave off tormenting your neighbors about paper and packthread, while we all live together in a world that is bursting with sin and sorrow. – Samuel Johnson

The teacher pretended that algebra was a perfectly natural affair, to be taken for granted, whereas I didnt even know what numbers were. Mathematics classes became sheer terror and torture to me. I was so intimidated by my incomprehension that I did not dare to ask any questions. – Carl Gustav Jung