Smile, for everyone lacks self-confidence and more than any other one thing a smile reassures them. – Andre Maurois
The effectiveness of work increases according to geometric progression if there are no interruptions. – Andre Maurois
Smile, for everyone lacks self-confidence and more than any other one thing a smile reassures them. – Andre Maurois
The effectiveness of work increases according to geometric progression if there are no interruptions. – Andre Maurois
There are certain persons for whom pure Truth is a poison. – Andre Maurois
Self-pity comes so naturally to all of us. The most solid happiness can be shaken by the compassion of a fool. – Andre Maurois
I think the true gardener is a lover of his flowers, not a critic of them. I think the true gardener is the reverent servant of Nature, not her truculent, wife-beating master. I think the true gardener, the older he grows, should more and more develop a humble, grateful and uncertain spirit. – Reginald Farrer, In a Yorkshire Garden, 1909