Quote by Bertolt Brecht
Right is its own defense. - Bertolt Brecht

Right is its own defense. – Bertolt Brecht

Other quotes by Bertolt Brecht

What they could do with round here is a good war. What else can you expect with peace running wild all over the place? You know what the trouble with peace is? No organization. – Bertolt Brecht

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People are too durable, thats their main trouble. They can do too much to themselves, they last too long. – Bertolt Brecht

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The law was made for one thing alone, for the exploitation of those who dont understand it, or are prevented by naked misery from obeying it. – Bertolt Brecht

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Other Quotes from
Right, Rightness

A small demerit extinguishes a long service. – Thomas Fuller

There is no real excellence in all this world which can be separated from right living. – David Starr Jordan

Things have got to be wrong in order that they may be deplored. – Alfred Whitney Griswold

A presidents hardest task is not to do what is right, but to know what is right. – Lyndon B. Johnson

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