Quote by Val Kilmer
I respect people who can do both careers, like Will Smith and a co

I respect people who can do both careers, like Will Smith and a couple of other people who have done it, but I just dont know when they sleep. – Val Kilmer

Other quotes by Val Kilmer

Again, in Wag the Dog, war has to be declared by an act of congress. But if you go to war, you dont have to declare war. Youre just at war and we did that, which is not legal. – Val Kilmer

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I have the utmost respect for those who have come to this country legally and have contributed to the great melting pot that is America today. But those who have crossed our borders illegally have broken the law and the law ought to be enforced. – Bob Ney


From the spinners, Anil and I have been together for a long time and I respect him a lot. – Sachin Tendulkar


I think its great that shes not perfect and wasnt perfect. I think thats maybe why so many young girls and different people look up to Mac and respect her even more. – Catherine Bell


My focus is always on the day. What Ive done behind me, I try to have respect for it, and keep an eye on it, and make sure it isnt abused, and obviously be thoughtful about it, because its all real to me. Im basically in every band I ever was in, and the songs, I still mean them all. – Ian MacKaye


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