Quote by Marcelene Cox
The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her. - Mar

The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her. – Marcelene Cox

Other quotes by Marcelene Cox

When a man does a household job, he goes through three periods: contemplating how it will be done; contemplating when it will be done; and contemplating. – Marcelene Cox

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Children in a family are like flowers in a bouquet: theres always one determined to face in an opposite direction from the way the arranger desires. – Marcelene Cox

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Other Quotes from
Black Friday Shopping

Only in America do people trample others for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have. – Author Unknown

The Christmas season has come to mean the period when the public plays Santa Claus to the merchants. – John Andrew Holmes

Oh, for the good old days when people would stop Christmas shopping when they ran out of money. – Author Unknown

We can tell our values by looking at our checkbook stubs. – Gloria Steinem

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Government in the U.S. today is a senior partner in every business in the country. – Norman Cousins


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