No poet or novelist wishes he were the only one who ever lived, bu

No poet or novelist wishes he were the only one who ever lived, but most of them wish they were the only one alive, and quite a number fondly believe their wish has been granted. – W. H. Auden

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Authors & Writing

Every writer hopes or boldly assumes that his life is in some sense exemplary, that the particular will turn out to be universal. – Martin Amis

The hard necessity of bringing the judge on the bench down into the dock has been the peculiar responsibility of the writer in all ages of man. – Nelson Algren

The circumstance which gives authors an advantage above all these great masters, is this, that they can multiply their originals; or rather, can make copies of their works, to what number they please, which shall be as valuable as the originals themselves. – Joseph Addison

Some authors should be paid by the quantity NOT written. – Anon.

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