Quote by Kiefer Sutherland
I did a play called Throne of Straw when I was 11, at the Odyssey

I did a play called Throne of Straw when I was 11, at the Odyssey Theatre in Los Angeles. It became really clear to me at that point that I enjoyed acting more than any other experience I was having. – Kiefer Sutherland

Other quotes by Kiefer Sutherland

Ive had some amazing people in my life. Look at my father – he came from a small fishing village of five hundred people and at six foot four with giant ears and a kind of very odd expression, thought he could be a movie star. So go figure, you know? – Kiefer Sutherland

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There are a lot of movies Id like to throw away. Thats not to say that I went in with that attitude. Any film I ever started, I went in with all the hope and best intentions in the world, but some films just dont work. – Kiefer Sutherland

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When we shoot 24, there are so many things I have to worry about, from the script to technical things to my performance, that I dont have a second to be bored or take anything for granted. We produce 24 hours of film a season, which is like making 12 movies. – Kiefer Sutherland

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I had one relative who passed away but fortunately none others. So my sort of experience of it is quite limited, thankfully. – Daniel Radcliffe


Im always hoping for the nights that are inspired where you almost have an out of body experience. – Dave Brubeck


The underlying message of the Lancet article is that if you want to understand aggressive behaviour in children, look to the social and emotional environment in which they are growing up, and the values they bring to the viewing experience. – Hugh Mackay


Before this learning experience, I had assumed that with regard to programs that sought to help people out of poverty, the political world was essentially divided into two camps: conservatives who opposed these for a variety of reasons, and liberals who supported them. – Barney Frank


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