Quote by Jenson Button
A lot of people think Formula One isnt a sport because everyone dr

A lot of people think Formula One isnt a sport because everyone drives a car when they go to work in the morning. But were pulling up to six G on a corner or during breaking, which is almost like being a fighter pilot. So we have to do a lot of work on our neck muscles. – Jenson Button

Other quotes by Jenson Button

My time at Honda was amazing. Some of my best times in Formula One, actually. I might not have won races, just one race, but I had a lot of fun. – Jenson Button

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We all drive differently and have different styles. For me I need a car I can develop beneath me and feel comfortable in. If the car feels neutral and unbalanced it doesnt work for me. – Jenson Button

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We often attribute understanding and other cognitive predicates by metaphor and analogy to cars, adding machines, and other artifacts, but nothing is proved by such attributions. – John Searle


I like to sing around the bonfire, in my car and in the shower. – Jessica Pare


My first car, I got it in an auction at my temple. It was an 86 Volvo that I got for 500 bucks, and then wound up throwing $10,000 into the stereo system and put TVs in the foot rests. It was the most ridiculous Volvo youd ever seen, but I had never had money before and I was out of my mind. – Shia LaBeouf


I get bored. We seem to have been having a little bit more time off this winter than last winter. Im always itching to get back in the car. Its going to get harder, so Ive got to make sure that Im doing everything I possibly can do to make sure I can start next season how I ended this season. – Dan Wheldon


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