Quote by Elizabeth Edwards
A lot of people have great hope, and a lot of people who have grea

A lot of people have great hope, and a lot of people who have great hope live. And, some of them who have great hope die. So its not that hope is going to save you. – Elizabeth Edwards

Other quotes by Elizabeth Edwards

Ive often said that the most important thing you can give your children is wings. Because, youre not gonna always be able to bring food to the nest. Youre… sometimes… theyre gonna have to be able to fly by themselves. – Elizabeth Edwards

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You all know that I have been sustained throughout my life by three saving graces – my family, my friends, and a faith in the power of resilience and hope. These graces have carried me through difficult times and they have brought more joy to the good times than I ever could have imagined. – Elizabeth Edwards

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A positive attitude is not going to save you. What its going to do is, everyday, between now and the day you die, whether thats a short time from now or a long time from now, that every day, youre going to actually live. – Elizabeth Edwards

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Hope is the last thing a person does before they are defeated. – Henry Rollins


The happy Union of these States is a wonder their Constitution a miracle their example the hope of Liberty throughout the world. – James Madison


If we are going to stay a great power and I hope and pray we will we need the truth. We need to know what is going right and we need to know what is going wrong. There is no greater time than now. – Charles Schumer


We need to have a pro-growth policy put in place that offers people hope and offers the opportunity for businesses to expand and for them to have confidence in what the world is going to look like for the next two or three or four years with respect to economic policy. – Dick Cheney


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